Cheat sheet for AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate SAA-C02 exam

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During the preparation for the AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate SAA-C02 exam, I created a list of questions/answers which were difficult for me during the learning process. 
Useful resources which were used:

VPC and networks

What is the difference between NAT Gateway and NAT instances

Where can NAT gateway be located?
Only in public subnet

What is VPN CloudHub

Where can a Transit gateway be used? 
interconnect several VPCs (also, vpcs + on premises into star network).

What is Site2site vpn connection
quick connection for a small amount of traffic. Traffic is encrypted

What is the difference between Security group vs NACL 
It’s about stateful vs stateless

How can blue green deployment be implemented?
Via global accelerator

How to share a subnet of one vpc for other vpcs? 
Vpc sharing

What are the only two AWS services that have a Gateway Endpoint?
Amazon S3, DynamoDB

Which IP addresses are reserved by AWS in the subnet?
5 IP addresses (first 4 & last 1)

What is PrivateLink?
VPC Endpoints (powered by AWS PrivateLink) allows you to connect to AWS services using a private network instead of using the public Internet.

Can you identify the Amazon VPC options to be configured in order to get the private hosted zone to work?
Enable DNS hostnames and DNS resolution for private hosted zones (enableDnsHostnames, enableDnsSupport)

The company wants to build a web log archival solution such that only the most frequently accessed logs are available as cached data locally
Use AWS Volume Gateway – Cached Volume

What is VPN?
It allows you to connect your AWS cloud resources to your on-premises data center using secure and private sessions with IP Security (IPSec) or Transport Layer Security (TLS) tunnels

Disaster recovery & Data transferring

Pilot light vs warm standby
The pilot light approach requires you to “turn on” servers, possibly deploy additional (non-core) infrastructure, and scale up, whereas Warm Standby only requires you to scale up (everything is already deployed and running).

What is DataSync?
AWS DataSync is an online data transfer service that simplifies, automates, and accelerates moving data between on-premises storage systems and AWS Storage services, as well as between AWS Storage services.
DataSync does not support EBS.

How to manage backups across different AWS services
AWS Backup

Possible size of data for Snowmobile and Snowball?
Snowmobile 10pb – 100pb
Snowball 10tb – 10pb

What for AWS Direct connect?
It is used to move GB/s of data to the cloud, over a private secure network. It takes about one month to set up.

Size of snowball storage optimized?
80TB (simple deprecated snowball also 80TB)

How to deploy and manage large fleets of Snowball devices?
AWS OpsHub

Which aws snowball gives storage clustering
AWS Snowball Edge Compute Optimized

How to stream data from Amazon S3 into Amazon Kinesis Data Streams?
AWS Database Migration Service

SQS, SNS, Kinesis, Lambda

NOT a supported subscriber for AWS SNS?
Kinesis Data Firehose is now supported, but not Kinesis Data Streams.

Long polling vs short polling in SQS

How to postpone the delivery of new messages to the queue for a few seconds?
delay queues

How to replace SQS by SQS FIFO?
– Delete the existing standard queue and recreate it as a FIFO queue
– Make sure that the name of the FIFO queue ends with the .fifo suffix
– Make sure that the throughput for the target FIFO queue does not exceed 3,000 messages per second (300 if without batches)

How to calculate batches for SQS FIFO?
300 * number of messages in batch per second

Store the data 7 days for analysing with the same order?
Kinesis Data Streams

Which of the following targets are NOT supported by Kinesis Data Firehose?
Amazon EMR

Can Firehose directly write into a DynamoDB table?

Lambda limits?
1000 concurrent executions per AWS account per region

Languages supported by lambda?
C#/.NET, Go, Java, Node.js, Python, Ruby

Which queue scales infinitely?

Can Kinesis Data Analytics used for long-term storage?

Protection from duplicate messages via sqs?
SQS FIFO, Amazon Simple Workflow


Which databases support IAM auth?
IAM database authentication works with MySQL and PostgreSQL

How does replication work for different database setups?
Standby multi az -> synchronous
Read replica -> asynchronous

How many Aurora Read Replicas can you have in a single Aurora DB Cluster?

In the event of a failover, Amazon RDS will promote which of the following read replicas?
The less priority tier + largest size.

What is available for moving on-premises db to aws and change db type
AWS Schema Conversion Tool
AWS Database Migration Service

How do OS updates work?
RDS applies OS updates by performing maintenance on the standby, then promoting the standby to primary, and finally performing maintenance on the old primary, which becomes the new standby

Which Enhanced Monitoring metrics are available for RDS?
RDS child processes, RDS processes, OS processes

How to enable disaster recovery plans for redshift?
Enable cross-region snapshots copy in redshift cluster.

Route 53

What is the difference between CNAME and Alias
– Points a hostname to any other hostname. ( => 

– Points a hostname to an AWS Resource ( => 
– Works for ROOT DOMAIN and NON ROOT DOMAIN (aka 
– Free of charge 
– Native health check


Should a bucket have a unique name?
Buckets must have a globally unique name

What is time for returning from S3 deep archive?
48 hours

Which is more cost-efficient: S3 Standard-IA or S3 Intelligent-Tiering?
It’s cost-efficient to use S3 Standard-IA instead of S3 Intelligent-Tiering.

What are possible destinations for s3 notifications 
fifo queues cannot be used

What is the most cost-effective solution in s3 for storing data for 24 hours which should be highly accessible?
All storage classes have a minimum duration charge, s3 standart – no. That’s why the s3 standart is the best choice.

How to monitor security?
Use Amazon GuardDuty to monitor any malicious activity on data stored in S3. Use Amazon Macie to identify any sensitive data stored on S3.

Upload 10gb files cloudfront vs s3 transfer acceleration?
S3 Transfer Acceleration. Less 1gb – cloudfront

S3 names patterns?

Compare storage costs?
Cost of test file storage on S3 Standard < Cost of test file storage on EFS < Cost of test file storage on EBS

Compliance controls in S3 and glacier?

Which of the following S3 storage classes supports encryption by default for both data at rest as well as in-transit?

Improve speed of uploads?
Amazon S3 Transfer Acceleration, Global Accelerator does not work with s3

Retentions for objects in S3?
When you apply a retention period to an object version explicitly, you specify a Retain Until Date for the object version
Different versions of a single object can have different retention modes and periods

Can versioning of the bucket be removed?
Once you version-enable a bucket, it can never return to an unversioned state.

Is metadata encrypted?

Which header should be used for ensuring that each object is encrypted?
Bucket policy which denies if the PutObject does not have an x-amz-server-side-encryption header set should be used.

How to get detailed information about every access request sent to the S3 bucket including the referrer and turn-around time information
Enable server access logging for all required Amazon S3 buckets.

Which methods ensure that all of the objects uploaded to the S3 bucket can be read publicly all over the Internet?
– Grant public read access to the object when uploading it using the S3 Console.
– Configure the S3 bucket policy to set all objects to public read.

Possible implementations for client-side encryption?
Client-Side Encryption with AWS KMS–Managed Customer Master Key (CMK)
Client-Side Encryption Using a Client-Side Master Key

What are the possible Event Notification destinations available for S3 buckets?
SNS, SQS, Lambda

What are the prerequisites when routing traffic using Amazon Route 53 to a website that is hosted in an Amazon S3 Bucket?

  • The bucket must have the same name as your domain
  • A registered domain name

Serverless solutions

What is the requirement for using the DynamoDB global table?
DynamoDB Streams are required.

What is DynamoDB stream?
A DynamoDB stream is an ordered flow of information about changes to items in a DynamoDB table.

What is a fully managed DB with possibility of scaling and backups?

What is the difference between ElastiCache Redis and Memcached?
Memcached supports multithreading.
Amazon ElastiCache for Redis is also a HIPAA Eligible Service.

Is auto scaling enabled for dynamodb tables created from CLI?

Monitoring & Auditing

What is the minimum resolution of High-Resolution Custom Metrics?
1 second

How to monitor memory usage of ec2?
Custom metrics should be created.

How to create custom metrics?
Install the CloudWatch agent on each instance

For which types custom metrics are needed?
Memory utilization
Disk swap utilization
Disk space utilization
Page file utilization
Log collection

Load balancers

What is HTTP response for Application Load Balancer without any registered targets with the target groups
HTTP 503: Service unavailable

What is the difference between Application Load Balancer and Network Load Balancer about cross-zone load balancing?
Cross-zone load balancing is enabled for Application Load Balancer and disabled for Network Load Balancer.

Which LB is needed for content-routing?

Which LB exposes IP?


Which EBS supports Multi-attach? 

Which EBS type CANNOT be used as boot volume?
HDD types


How to store a database password in a secure place, and enable automatic rotation of that password every 90 days
Secrets Manager

How to check for vulnerabilities on EC2 instances
Amazon Inspector

How to import third-party SSL/TLS certificates?
AWS Certificate Manager and IAM certificate store 

How to protect the system from DDOS attacks?
AWS Shield Advanced

How to protect the system from cryptocurrency mining
Amazon GuardDuty

Which data sources are supported by GuardDuty?
VPC Flow Logs, DNS logs, CloudTrail events

On which services can be applied AWS Firewall Manager?
AWS Shield Advanced
VPC Security Groups

Other topics

What is the difference between Cognito users and Cognito identity pools
Authentication/sign in – Cognito User Pools. Identity pools – obtain temporary AWS credentials to access AWS services.

What are ports for https/http/postgresql?
Https – 443, http – 80, postgres – 5432

Is it possible to integrate Cognito User Pools with CloudFront?
You cannot directly integrate Cognito User Pools with CloudFront

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